We didn’t know if she would make it.

The costs to rehabilitate dogs like Lilly are enormous. If you would like to donate to Lilly’s fund, please visit our donations page.
Thank you for supporting rescue and little lost pups like Lilly.
The animals of SCARS have many stories to tell. Here are just a few of them.
Before proceeding please understand that some of these stories may be disturbing to some readers. Although some do not have a happy ending, many of these animals are now in loving forever-homes.
Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS) is dedicated to reducing the number of homeless animals in Northern Alberta, Canada
We believe that there is a suitable home for all homeless animals: young or old; large or small.
As a volunteer-run, non-profit society, we care for these animals by providing veterinary care and foster homes for animals in need until a permanent home is found. These private foster homes provide the animals with warm shelter, food, exercise, and tender loving care (something that so many of the animals we receive have never experienced).
SCARS does not practice selective intake procedures and operates in a triage manner: taking the animal in most medical need first. As a result our medical expenses are enormous. Please consider donating to our rescue efforts.
Thank you for all that you do for these animals! Its so sad to see how humans treat these animals.. abuse seems to run rampant on/near the reserves. Does anybody monitor these locations and charge the offenders with animal abuse? Just wondering if the SPCA monitors at all?
It's so sad how some people treat animals. Thank you SCARS for being the good people and helping little warriors fighting their own battle.
God bless and hope Lily can be transformed as well as Cindy♥
Poor lily. How can people be so cruel?
God bless lily and her foster parents.
This storey has brought tears to my eyes as have the rest of the storey. I think it is amazing what all you volunteers do and I hope to one day be able to help some of the abused animals and give them the home that they deserve.
God bless you all. And thanks again from one dog lover to another
I know these people that cause this kind of pain WILL not go unpunished and will feel it 10 times worse that what poor Lily felt. I too rescued a puppy from a reserve and he is my best friend, I couldn't live without him.
Why isn't there any restrictions for the people that don't know how to treat animals? Why can't this great country monitor and stomp on these people? How dare they treat our beloved pets like this, who feel pain just as anyone else does.
Wow i cant belive how hard im crying...Thank goodness SCARS are here to help thes poor the pour defencsless animals!!:)(:
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